The independent presidential candidate was caught bending the truth on live television.

Robert F. Kennedy has plenty of kooky ideas. Now that he’s a presidential candidate, he probably doesn’t want the general public to know about some of them. A few months back he tried to claim he didn’t spout some hooey about COVID being a bioweapon designed to spare Jewish and Chinese people — despite footage existing showing him saying just that. Now he’s once again trying to deny he said something he definitely did.
KASIE: You said no vaccines are safe and effective.
KENNEDY: “I’ve never said that.”
He did. We played the clip for him. pic.twitter.com/0kMqn4CZQj
— Kasie Hunt (@kasie) December 15, 2023
Per Mediaite, Kennedy went on CNN Friday, where host Kasie Hunt asked him about a quote he said over the summer, namely, “There’s no vaccine that is, you know, safe and effective.”
“I never said that,” Kennedy responded. But Hunt was ready.
”So, stop me. We have the clip. Please play the clip,” she said, prompting a nervous Kennedy to beg her to “play the whole clip.”
She did. Here’s what he said during an appearance on Lex Fridman’s podcast:
FRIDMAN: You’ve talked about that the media slanders you by calling you an anti-vaxxer. And you’ve said that you’re not anti-vaccine, you’re pro-safe vaccine. Difficult question: Can you name any vaccines that you think are good?
KENNEDY: I think some of the live virus vaccines are probably averting more problems than they’re causing. There’s no vaccine that is, you know, safe and effective.
When Hunt asked Kennedy if he still believed that, he replied, “First of all, I’m not anti-vaccine…”
“How is that statement not anti-vaccine?” Hunt pressed.
“Well, I can say right now there’s no medicine for cancer that’s safe and effective. It doesn’t mean I’m against all medicines,” he said. He continued:
I’ve been fighting 40 years to get mercury out of fish. Nobody calls me anti-fish. What I want are vaccines that are proven safe. And, what I meant, which was a bad use of words, is, none of the vaccines that’s currently on the mandated schedule for children, the 72 vaccines, have ever been studied in a pre-licensing safety study. What that means is, we do not know what the risk profile is for those products, and you cannot prove or say with any scientific certainty that those products are causing —
“So, you’re saying that you still believe that no vaccines are safe and effective?” Hunt asked.
“No!” Kennedy replied. “What I’m saying is, none of the 72 vaccines has ever been tested in a safety study.”
Well, maybe he’s a better husband than a science-understander.
(Via Mediaite)